PhD Students - XXXIV CYCLE
Ammirati Lorenzo
Project: Development of an integrated data management system for the monitoring of surficial deformations related to underground mining activity
Tutor: dott. Nicola Mondillo. Co-tutor: Prof. Domenico Calcaterra
Aruta Antonio
Project: Development of new methods for geo-spatial analysis of geochemical data to assess and prioritize environmental risk at local and regional scale in areas with a relevant anthropic pressureantropica
Tutor: Prof. Stefano Albanese Co-Tutor: Prof.ssa Annamaria Lima
Cariddi Bruna
Project: The Cenozoic magmatic activity in Sardinia: chronology and geodynamic significance
Tutor: prof. Leone Melluso. Co-tutor: prof. Massimo D'Antonio, dott. Luigi Franciosi.
Cirillo Gianluca
Project: Petrological, geochemical and isotopic (Sr, Nd, Pb Li and B) characterization of the Tertiary (Adamello and Valmasino-Bregaglia – Central Alps) and Permian (Sondalo – Central Alps, Sila Massif – Calabria-Peloritani Arc) intrusive complexes.
Tutor: Prof. Massimo D’Antonio. Co-tutor: Prof. Massimo Tiepolo, Dott. Ilenia Aienzo
Cusano Delia – Tel. 081.2538195
Project: Characterization and modelling of groundwater recharge processes in karst aquifers of southern Italy
Tutor: prof. Pantaleone De Vita. Co-tutor: prof. Vincenzo Allocca;
Ebrahimi Pooria
Project: Geochemical study of different environmental media for the characterization of the hydrothermal system and the subaerial environment of the Phlegrean Fields and surrounding areas
Tutor: Prof. Stefano Albanese. Co-tutors: Prof. Vincenzo Allocca and Dr Stefano Caliro
Guarino Annalise
Project: Trace elements, organic compounds and interstitial gases (Radon and CO2) distribution in the near surface environment of Campania region: new methods for patterns recognition of hidden associations
Tutor: Prof. Annamaria Lima. Co-tutors: Stefano Albanese, Domenico Cicchella (UniSannio)
Marino Camilla
Project: Reconstruction of ground vertical movements in high-deformation tectonic and volcano-tectonic settings in the Mediterranean Sea during the Holocene through analysis of sea-level markers
Tutor: prof. Luigi Ferranti. Co-tutor: Dr. Marco Sacchi (ISMAR-CNR Napoli)
Marsiglia Palmira
Project: Development of a resilient management system for aquifers in water crisis scenarios induced by interannual, multi-year and seasonal variability of groundwater recharge
Tutor: Vincenzo Allocca. Co-tutor: Pantaleone De Vita, Diego Di Martire, Michele Di Natale
Miele Pietro – 081.2538195
Project: Implementation of a Web-based Spatial Decision Support System (WB-SDSS) for integrated monitoring of structures and infrastructures
Tutor: Dott. Diego Di Martire. Co-tutor: Prof. Domenico Calcaterra
Natale Jacopo – 081.2538124
Project: Structural analysis and volcano-tectonic evolution reconstruction of Campi Flegrei caldera and Roccamonfina volcano, Southern Italy
Tutor: Prof. Stefano Vitale. Co-tutor: Dr. Roberto Isaia (OV-INGV)
Varchetta Fabio
Project: Enhancing the testing phase of seismic hazard models
Tutor: Warner Marzocchi