Integrated Procedure for MoNitoring of Linear Infrastructures Safety (I-Pro MoNaLISa)

Programma per il finanziamento della ricerca di Ateneo

Referente: Dott. Diego Di Martire
Ammontare del finanziamento: € 40.000

Data di inizio-fine del progetto: Gennaio 2021 (24 mesi)

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dott. Pietro Miele, dott.ssa Rita De Stefano

Prof. Alfonso Montella - Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile Edile ed Ambientale (DICEA);
dott. ing. Gerardo Di Martino - Dipartimento Ingegneria Elettrica e delle Tecnologie dell'Informazione (DIETI)

I-Pro MoNaLISa (Integrated Procedure for MoNitoring of Linear Infrastructures Safety) is a project aimed at supporting structural health assessments for linear infrastructures, and related man-made artefacts such as bridges, viaducts, etc, based on the use of remote sensing technologies. Satellite-based monitoring systems, represents a viable source of independent information products to detect movements of the Earth surface which can affect the analyzed infrastructures. I-Pro MoNaLISa is devoted to evaluate, through an accurate Differential SAR interferometry processing, possible critical sections where in situ controls are needed. These information could be adopted by the in-charge authorities and public administrations as a decision-making support tool to improve the efficiency of the monitoring of linear infrastructures in their exercise phase as well as of risk management for those areas affected by deformation which can interact with their safety. Specifically, thanks to satellite-based deformation measurements, obtained through radar images processing, it provides an alert system for: a) directing technician verification in-situ, b) planning of maintenance and rehabilitations, c) structural health assessments; d) emergency management, e) support public administrations and highway and railway authorities. Such kind of system would represent a great innovation in the actual Italian control system, based on visual inspections for anomalies detection, demanded to technicians. I-Pro MoNaLISa aims at reducing the long time-lapse between in-situ data collection and information transfer to the operation center, being based on a database of critical sections that the technicians can implement in situ real-time; furthermore, not requesting any direct contact with the infrastructure, such system can eliminate the necessity of lane closure and traffic disruption or the preparation of the structure before the acquisition. In last years, early response systems improvement turns out to be a key topic to avoid heavy social and economic consequences of possible failures.

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